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Or SAT Subject Tests in Physics and Chemistry, in my case. Today was 28th of January, the last Saturday of the first month of the year 2012. And a testing date for SAT.
It was my first experience with this test. There aren't any test centres where I live so I had to wake up 4:45 in the morning so my father could drive me to a nearby city where my test centre was. We reached there at around 7:00 am. Then followed almost three painfully boring hours where we basically sat in the waiting area and waited (no, seriously?), got ourselves checked in and then waited some more in the examination room. At around 10:00, after entering our personal details on an immensely completed answer sheet which involved filling in a series of obnoxious circles with our pencils (No.2!!), we began our tests. I chose to do Physics first even though it's the tougher of the two subjects. I was a bit disorientated at the start but soon, everything sort of fell into rhythm and I found that I could ignore the extremely uncomfortable table and the depressing yellow lights overhead. After a 5 minute break, I began Chemistry which went quite well, Alhamdulillah. By 12:15, I was finished and gratefully exited the room, with the burden of SATs finally lifted off my shoulders.
The scores will be sent by the 16th of February. I hope, InshAllah, they turn out to be good!
That's enough from my end for now. I feel sleep creeping up on me...